Basescu's servants

We all know the term of “servant”. The term of “servant” was used against black Americans and in the entire world. Were put to work without interruption and without being paid. President Băsescu is doing exactly with the citizens of this country. But when we talk about servants of the Liberal Democratic Party is something else. They receive money and we talk about billion, without doing anything else. Than political patronage. This is called the Affairs of State.

I will give you an example. Today I received a comment on a subject called 'Ballad Basescu. " Such comment was: “Bai javra pupincurist de PSDisti, mai date-n cacat, ca nu e nimic de capul tau. STIU CA NU AI CURAJUL SA ACCEPTI MESAJUL ASTA, doar esti un cenzurator cum era BOMBONEL si CRIMINALUL DE ILIESCU.” (I will not translate it in English, if any visitors from abroad want to see the translation of this message in English, please contact me via email of

And my answer was diplomatic and did not censor the message. I knew that the message comes from a member of the Democratic Party. I replied that I will not censor the message because this message should be seen by other people, and to see how the Democratic Party put there servants to do all the best to give protection to Basescu and Emil Boc, and to not suffer from what they decide against Romanian people. People are dying of poverty and democratic party members come and fight against messages that come from the public and to be not shown on public, they fight for having there replied. I want to show them that I do not fear to such messages and that I will not stand without writing on this blog.

I fear that this country will end up not have a “democracy” and revert to communism for another time perhaps worse. They always unscrupulous lie and people die because they do not have to live. They had lie because we have money. If Romanians remember the time when Ceauşescu said that agriculture is very good, and showed that food. What was not known and shown was that the food was plastic. So? We will end up how we were before 89th.

So we deal with a government of liars and a President who run for popularity. The President has any chance now? Or has increased his bodyguard from SPP? Does fear that Romania will kill another President, just as he did with Ceausescu? Romania will come to judge the President for undermining the state economy, betrayal of country.

I urge you to use your right, to express yourself publicly. President and the Government must realize that the Romanians have come on their way out. What is enough is enough


Anonymous said...

My God. I am from France, and i read your blog all the time. But what are you say is unbelievable. But the truth. I hope you can or the citizen's realise what you have wrote and some one will be happy after this crash of the government, and of this president.

God bless you.


Henrich said...

I am from Germany and Angela Merkel did not do this things. And we have such problems. But we don't cut this pension or wages. We put more taxes and that's it. Interesting subject. Interesting action and messages. I hope that something will make good for the citizen's not for the Government.
I hope you are ok after this messages and you are radical without fear.

How we called in Germany.
Viel glück und den besten wünshen für Sie.


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