Tineri premiati

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Tanara social democrata, medaliata cu aur la Houston, USA

Luni, 30.05.2011, in cadrul TSD Sector 5 – organizatia de tineret a PSD filiala Sector 5, a avut loc dezbaterea pe tema promovarii meritelor tinerilor participanti la o suita de concursuri internationale si medaliati cu aur.
Mai multe licee din Romania au o adevarata traditie in participarea la competitii internationale, unde liceeni creatori şi deştepţi au uimit lumea prin proiectele lor. Intre acestea Liceului Teoretic Dimitrie Bolintineanu din Bucureşti Sector 5, participa la astfel de activitati chiar din anul 2004 aducand in atentia lumii idei de conservare si protejare a mediului prin proiectele de cercetare realizate.
In echipa “micilor cercetatori” se regaseste si tanara social democrata Emilia Ion care participa inca din 2008 la aceste concursuri de proiecte. Despre Emilia, presedintele interimar TSD Sector 5, Vili – Mihaela Constantin spune ca este o tanara cu potential pentru o cariera stiintifica dar si politica; provenind dintr-o familie cu afinitati politice de stanga, atat tatal acesteia cat si fratele mai mare sunt membrii ale aceleiasi organizatii, PSD  Sector 5, aceasta nu si-a neglijat activitatea scolara dar nici activitatea politica alaturi de tinerii sai colegi, participand la campania pentru alegerile generale.
Anul acesta Emilia Ion a participat la doua competitii internationale de proiecte in SUA, la Houston si Los Angeles, luna mai. Alaturi de un alt elev al liceului, Dragos Stefan Gherghescu, echipa a uimit lumea stiintifica cu un proiect despre controlul biologic al tantarilor.
„Ideea proiectului a pornit de la declansarea epidemiei cu virusul West Nile in Romania, anul trecut. Ne-am gandit sa dezvoltam un proiect de control biologic al tantarilor cu ajutorul unei bacterii. Nu am dorit exterminarea totala, deoarece asta ar însemna distrugerea lantului trofic“, spune Emilia. „In acest moment, modul de imprastiere a insecticidelor este fie prin deversare directa in lac, fie aruncandu-le dintr-un avion. Atunci cand acestea erau imprastiate folosind un avion, ajungeau fie in copaci, fie se duceau direct pe fundul lacului sau ramaneau la suprafata acestuia. Larvele se hranesc atat la suprafata lacurilor, cat si la mijlocul si fundul acestora“, dupa cum au completat cei doi elevi.
Emilia si Dragos au lucrat cinci luni de zile la proiect, din septembrie anul trecut pana in ianuarie, cu ajutorul profesoarei lor de biologie, colaborand si cu specialisti de la Institutul Cantacuzino.
Proiectul a fost medaliat cu aur la competitia de la Houston si i-a calificat in participarea la editia din acest an a Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), organizata la Los Angeles în perioada 8 – 13 mai.
Tinerii din organizatia politica din care face parte Emilia Ion, TSD Sector 5, sustin demersul stiintific al colegei lor si promoveaza astfel de initiative in randul tinerilor aducand in agenda lor politica, dezbateri si proiecte privind importanta cercetarii in dezvoltarea unei societati sanatoase si performante.
In aceasta directie s-a inscris si dezbaterea organizata in cadrul TSD Sector 5, luni 30.05.2011, unde Emilia Ion le-a prezentat colegilor proiectul medaliat si a fost felicitata si incurajata de acestia.
Tinerii social democrati din ograda organizatiei din care a pornit actualul Presedinte PSD Bucuresti, dl. Daniel Marian Vanghelie, au incercat sa raspunda la intrebarea: Ce face PSD pentru tinerii social democrati cu merite deosebite ?
TSD Sector 5 au dezbatut alaturi de invitatul special Presedintele Executiv PSD Bucuresti, Bogdan Georgescu, efectele pe care le pot avea plecarea unor astfel de tineri la studii in alte tari si solutile pentru pastrarea unor asemenea valori in tara noastra.
Este cunoscut ca insusi Presedintele PSD Bucuresti sustine si promoveaza de ani de zile atat in activitatea sa politica, cat si in cea administrativa in calitate de primar, dezvoltarea celor mai bune conditii de invatamant performant precum si incurajarea si sustinerea tinerilor valorosi cu merite deosebite. Scolile din Sectorul 5, unde Primarul Daniel Marian Vanghelie a depus efort in crearea si mentinerea celor mai bune conditii astfel incat in sistemul public de invatamant, copiii romanilor sa poata avea sansa de a studia si performa in scoli la standarde internationale, sunt recunoscute si apreciate atat de elevi, cat si de parinti si profesori.

Young social democratic, gold medalist from Houston, USA,
Monday, 30.05.2011, in the TSD District 5 - Social Democratic youth organization subsidiary District 5, held to promote debate on the merits of the young participants to a series of international competitions and the gold medal.
Several high schools in Romania have a tradition in participating in international competitions, where high school students and clever designers have amazed the world through their projects. Among these Demetrius Bolintineanu High School in Bucharest Sector 5, participate in such activities even in 2004 bringing to the attention of the world ideas of conservation and environmental protection research projects undertaken.
The team of "small researchers" is also found young Emilia Ion, a social democratic, her participation in these projects competitions since 2008. About Emilia, interim president of TSD District 5, Vili - Mihaela Constantin says she is a young woman with the potential for a scientific career and politics, coming from a family of left political affinities, both her father and older brother are members of same organization, PSD District 5, it has not neglected school work but no political activity with his young colleagues, she also participated in the general election campaign.
This year, Emilia Ion attended two international competitions in the U.S. project in Houston and Los Angeles, May. Along with another high school student, Dragos Stefan Gherghescu team stunned the scientific world with a project on biological control of mosquitoes.
Emilia and Dragos worked on the project five months from last September until January, with their biology teacher, working with specialists from the Cantacuzino’s Institute.
The project was awarded with a gold medal in the competition in Houston and has qualified in participating in this year's edition of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), held in Los Angeles, during May 8 to 13.
Young people from the political organization of which the Emilia Ion, TSD District 5, and colleagues say their scientific approach and promote such initiatives in bringing young people in their political agenda, and debate on important research projects in advanced development of a healthy society.
Enrolled in this direction and debates within TSD District 5, Monday, 30.05.2011, Emilia Ion, where colleagues presented their project was awarded a medal and congratulated and encouraged by them.
Social Democratic Youth Organization of the yard started PSD Bucharest current President, Mr. Daniel Marian Vanghelie, have tried to answer the question: What is the PSD for outstanding young social democrats?
TSD District 5, were discussed with special guest Chief Executive PSD Bucharest, Bogdan Georgescu, the effects they may have left these young people to study in other countries and solution for preserving such values ​​in our country.
The President of PSD Bucharest, himself is known as supports and promotes the years both in his political activity, as well as in the primary administrative, development of best conditions for effective education and encouraging and supporting talented young people with honors. Schools in Sector 5, where Mayor Daniel Marian Vanghelie effort made in creating and maintaining the best possible conditions so that the public education system, children have the chance to Romania to study and perform at international standards in schools are recognized and appreciated so students and parents and teachers.
President of TSD District 5
Vili- Mihaela Constantin


Anonymous said...

Va multumesc domnule Achim ca mai prezentati si astfel de genii. Eu unul asa le numesc. Dar din pacate un astfel de guvern nu va duce tineretul acesta catre ceva mai bun. Ceea ce inseamna ca vor pleca din tara la alte burse mult mai bune, din pacate.

Emilia said...

Multumesc Dl. Achim!
Multumesc Vili!
Multumesc pentru vorbele frumoase!

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