Scrisoare catre White House

To the White House

Mr. President,
Mr. Vice-president,

My name is Marian Achim, and as a Romanian citizen, I send this letter respectfully asking you for real information as much as you can about the President of Romania and his visit to USA.
In fact we require some information about the visit of The President of Romania in the USA. I will ask for which such information is the President of Romania, we in Romania are accustomed to his lies, about his visit or other policy and we would very much, we'd like to know about his working visits to the USA. This is the text of the official letter on the website of The Romanian Presidential Administration . (Unfortunately the website is not translated in English as it used to be). "REF: Working visit of Romanian President Traian Basescu at Washington. Romanian President, Traian Basescu will visit Washington on September 13 in a working visit to completion of bilateral agreements between Romania and the United States of America.  Department of Public Communication September 10, 2011"

Please if possible give me an answer to this letter. As you know I think the President of Romania, Is one of the most disastrous Presidents, what Romania has had. We Romanians want a clarification on his working visit. According to diplomatic protocol on visits of state or official work, must be prepared with much more time than he has done so in past few days.
The fact that information about the visit of Romanian President, to Washington DC, came to the public on September 10, gives me the feeling that there was no time to make protocol visit in advance.

With sincerely and consideration,

Marian Achim

Un raspuns automat:


Radu Nastasă said...

Aaaaa.... Nu crezi că era mai bine să apelezi la cineva care stie engleză?

John A. Mckenzie said...

Dear Marian Achim , how ever said you you can't write in English do's not have a good command of my language very well, and as for your letter to the President of the USA you wrote on the hole it well said so keep on writing.

dontbother said...

Marian Achim
I believe your request to the White house is justified,you are making every effort to help your country and it's people Your grasp of the English language is great.

To radu nastasa the lack of your English is present in your response in Romanian .

Keep fighting for your people Marian

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