Succesul listarii Romgaz la Bursa din Londra demonstreaza ca in domeniul energetic Romania are companii valoroase si foarte mult potential. Trebuie sa ne gandim daca vrem sa folosim potentialul acesta, sa fim puternici, sau vrem sa fim o tara de mana a doua.
Romgaz este o companie de stat de succes, pe care se bat investitorii. Dovada este listarea la Londra, cea mai de succes listare a unei companii romanesti de stat. E o dovada ca se poate!
Ponta s-a dus la Londra ca sa asiste la listarea Romgaz, cea mai de succes listare a unei companii romanesti. Prezenta lui acolo este de bun augur, deoarece transmite un mesaj pozitiv investitorilor interesati de tara noastra.
Romgaz este o companie de stat pentru actiunile careia s-au batut investitorii straini. Sper ca Guvernul sa reuseasca sa faca acelasi lucru si cu CFR Marfa si Oltchim.
English Version
The success of the ROMGAZ listing in Londons Stock Exchange, demonstrates that energy and success of a Romanian company that has valuable and a lot of potential. We need to think if we want to use this potential, to be strong, or want to be a second-class country.
Romgaz is a successful state that investors are scrambling against each other. Evidence is listing in London, the successful listing of a Romanian state company's. It's proof that we can!
Ponta went to London to attend the listing of Romgaz, the successful listing of a Romanian company. His presence there is auspicious because it sends a positive message to investors interested in our country.
Romgaz is a state actions were floated on the Stock Exchange by foreign investors. I hope the Government manage to do the same thing with CFR Marfa and Oltchim.