Sieg Hiel, Sieg Hiel, Sieg Hiel,
Băsescu was a member of the Communist Party (PCR). After the downfall of Communism, he claimed that he joined the PCR only in order to promote his career in the merchant marine. In a letter published in Romanian newspapers, former president Emil Constantinescu alleged that Băsescu was in the second tier of the Communist Party leadership during the brutal regime of former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, but had managed to falsely portray himself as anti-communist. To have that career Herr Băsescu said he had wanted it to be a big step. Is to spy and give report to security. Is to become a military spy in communist party. If by that time, colleagues suspected that the future President of Romania was an informer, after the mistake committed by it that became a record. “But knowing all this Institute, where everyone in class with him. Peak would be to deny that not all of them just died!”. Under orders signed, the student was required to inform the military Băsescu 'Counter Information' about the way in which specific activities were taking place in the institute, about teachers and colleagues, even in their spare time. According to his colleague, Băsescu his job with great dedication. “Perhaps the whence and visceral hatred towards teachers,” said the source.
Herr Băsescu produces the same feeling of hatred towards those who dare to say anything against his word. Certain actors, journalists have helped him to return to power. This is exactly what happens when Hitler came stronger to the party took power by force as Băsescu was with Petre Roman. President of the German Nationalist Party in that year said, "Was Habe ich getan?" What have I done?
Hitler's speeches and became strong through the drama that good enough to show all people suffering from poverty. We go back to Romania and see how he promised sea with salt, so Herr Basescu not became Chancellor of Germany but the President of Romania.
Anti Press
Threats and verbal assaults against journalists and publishers coming from Cotroceni has only intensified within two days. Problem than even the criminal aspect, taking an unprecedented twist, the authentic Stalinist-Nazi style dictatorship in Romania post-December. Explosive-News who warns of our Secret Service reported that Băsescu preparing in his "laboratories" in Cotroceni diversions that result in compromise of journalists and used to achieve its goal and DAN ANDRONIC and from ONG called the force of law!
Thus, only a day after driving explosive-News newspaper was threatened by the Head of Presidential Administration DSN with arrest if they continued revelations about serious crimes committed by President Traian Băsescu called (and called us try Elena Udrea with its underworld scare moneylenders) - and, concomitantly, the newspaper's Washington correspondent, Robert Horvath, was itself threatened by telephone that "I will stop both of journalist Andrei Badin from National Journal, mouth with earth - behold yesterday and producer of the show" Tip of the Day "to television station Antena 3, was threatened in the same way. It was called, on her private telephone number, and was made aware of that "you will not know what can happen if more continue to leave Gabriela Vranceanu Firea (moderator issue - No ) refers, in its programs, the president. "
We remember that the President of Romania during the election campaign of 2009 he asked someone to paint the wall threw a bag. In Germany and we remember that in February 27, 1933 The Reichstag was on wires. Causing a fire that even Hitler's decision to produce more power, just a few days after the event, was presented to President Hindenburg to have powers to cut sports and civil rights. In Reichstag said that freedom of Speech, Association and Press will be temporarily suspended. Also while Hitler declared that Parliament will not pass laws, the Administration will do it The Chancellor Palace.
We go back to Romania and remember the press conferences, the referendum to reduce the number of parliamentarians and constitutional change so that to have more powers.
You realize that is President Băsescu? I tell you something Prince Charles visit to Romania withdrew because of illness. Is there disease or Prince Charles came to the conclusion that we return to a communist country?
There are Questions and comments are only able to respond Herr President Băsescu before the wall but only in Târgoviste where the first Communist President was shot.
interesant daca e adevarat
Interesting. I am from Germany. And what you have made over there in your post. Is really quite true about Hitler. I have seen a lot of people writhing about Hitler, and make some comments about him. But never put the date's. I don't know what should I think about your President. But how I see it in the first phrase I see that he was start like the same in politics, Hitler in army, Basescu in military spy. Quite interesting.
Take care of you and thank you for keep this blog alive.
Thanks Heinrich
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