Vizita la Parlament

Astazi am avut un vizitator din Austria. Un Viceprimar al Orasului Ottnang am hausruck. Asa ca domnia sa a dorit sa faca o vizita in Parlament si sa vada cat mai mult. Am avut placerea de a fii primit de catre cabinetul Domnului Chestor Nicolae Banicioiu. Am avut ca, ghid desi nu imi place cuvantul, il spun pentru ca stie foarte multe despre Parlament. Doamna Felicia Rotarita a fost o persoana care a reusit sa faca totul posibil intr-o singura zi. Ii multumesc inca odata pe aceasta cale.


Today I had a visitor from Austria. A Vice Mayor of the City Ottnang am hausruck. So he wanted to make a visit to Parliament and to see more about this building. I had the pleasure of being received by the Office of Quaestor Mr. Nicholae Banicioiu . I had the guide, although I do not like the word, i must tell it, and that she knows a lot about Parliament. Mrs. Felicia Rotarita, was a person who has done everything possible in one day. I thank her once again.


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You are entitled under the Constitution to express your opinion. Also, any comment that is not worthy to be published in derogatory terms. That comment will be censored. Thank you!