I am deeply moved by the
shamelessness with which Commissioner Reding, in more frequent statements against Romania,
as the rule of law was violated. Well esteemed lady when I sent a lots of
documents talking about serious violations of child protection system and the
judiciary, you have not bothered to make a response letter that you have received
even i have "complaint" against Basescu's system. Perhaps this should
especially be a concerned to the Justice Commissioner. I do not agree that the
person voted by their citzens to make such statements, and i should ask you to check
the informations in some way and then atacking. You've came to the press and
you threw mud against Romania. I ask as a citizen of the EU, to withdraw any
detrimental Romania declares. I ask immediately to stop attacking Romania.
Romania is not a STATE mocked by anyone. I REPEAT to immediately cease all
attacks against Romania.
Everything happened in Romania,
have been fully complied with the Constitution, as evidence, the Constitutional
Court ruled that the suspension of the President is Constitutional and their
decisions made have been ruled as CONSTITUTIONAL.
Your Excellency Vivine Reding,
Romania is now released from dicatatorial system led by Basescu. Now we have
leaders who can lead the country forward and where it should be. Please note
that this statement is made in the context in which you
repeat some unprecedented attacks against a state that pay the contribution at
the EU budget. Perhaps Ms. Reding, you should have attacked as virulent the neighbor
country when the Constitution have been changed (in that document is provided
to limit the rights of journalists and other weird unconstitutional). Perhaps you
should have answer then.
European Union citizen,
Marian Achim
un raspuns la ceea ce Comisarul European pe Justitie, Viviane Reding
profund miscat de nerusinare de care da dovada doamna Reding in declaratiile
tot mai dese impotriva Romaniei, cum ca Statul de Drept a fost incalcat. Ei
bine stimata doamna cand v-am sesizat incalcari grave in sistemul de protectie
al Copilului si a sistemului Judiciar, nu v-ati deranjat sa faceti o scrisoare
raspuns ca macar ati primit aceea "plangere" impotriva sistemului lui
Basescu. Poate ca asta ar trebui sa va preocupe in mod special.
sunt de acord ca dvs. persoana aleasa in acel for sa faceti astfel de afirmatii
nici macar verificate intr-un fel sau altul. Dvs. ati iesit in fata presei si
ati aruncat cu noroi in fata Romaniei. Va CER in calitate de CETATEAN al UE, sa
va retrageti orice declartie care aduce atingere Romaniei. Va cer de indata sa
incetati sa mai atacati Romania. Romania NU mai este un STAT batjocorit de
nimeni. REPET sa se inceteze de indata orice atac la adresa Romaniei.
ce s-a petrecut in Romania, a fost respectat intocmai cu Constitutia, drept
dovada Curtea a DECIS ca este constitutionala suspendarea Presedintelui si
celelalte decizii de asemenea CONSTITUTIONALE.
Voastra Vivine Reding, Romania este acum eliberata de sistemul dicatatorial
condus de Basescu. Acum avem noi conducatori care pot duce tara mai departe si
acolo unde trebuie sa fie. Va rog sa luati in considerare ca aceasta declaratie
este facuta in contextul in care dvs. repetati niste atacuri fara precedent
impotriva unui stat care va plateste contributia la bugetul acelei tari. Poate
ca dvs. doamna Reding, ar fi trebuit sa atacati la fel de virulent si tara
Vecina atunci cand a schimbat Constitutia (in acel document se prevedea
limitarea drepturilor jurnalistilor si alta bazaconii neconstitutionale). Poate
ca ar fi trebuit sa raspundeti si atunci.
al Uniunii Europene,
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