Press Point from the Lord Mayor of Taverny

Press release

On behalf of the Mayor of Taverny, Mr Maurice Boscavert, I am empowered to make the following statement:
            Lord Mayor Maurice Boscavert came to Romania in the period   11-15.02.2011. He came in order to set the terms of a future collaboration between The Cultural Humanitarian Foundation SO.SI.SE.SA. and the Taverny local authorities, represented by Mr. Maurice Boscavert. During his stay in Romania, he visited the Headquarters of The Cultural Humanitarian Foundation SO.SI.SE.SA, after which he went to Targoviste, a nearby city, where he met Dambovita’s County Prefect, Mr. Iancu Caracota. After that, was greeted by Mayor Constantin Maricescu of the Aninoasa village at Aninoasa Cultural Center. Here the Lord Mayor Maurice Boscavert was welcomed in the Romanian traditional way.

Afterwards, the Lord Mayor of Taverny, Mr. Maurice Boscavert, visited Aninoasa Cultural Center, Multipurpose room, kinder garden with extended hours, sound recording room, doll collection room, actors Booth Hall auditorium.

On the second day of his stay in Romania, He visited the House of People, headquarters of the Romanian Parliament. On this matter, he wanted to emphasize the fact that he was astonished by the grandiose architectural vision of Nicolae Ceausescu.
Monday, at   9:00, he had a tête-à-tête meeting with Mr. Ion Iliescu, the former president of Romania, on which occasion they had a 45 minutes discussion, after which Mr. Ion Iliescu gave Mr. Maurice Boscavert the French version of the book named “The big shock of the end of a short century” and Mr. Maurice Boscavert Handed Mr. Ion Iliescu, Taverny’s medal of honour.

The Lord Mayor wanted to express his concerns towards Romania’s acceptance into Schengen. He could see how Romania made a lot of efforts in order to follow EU recomandations and regrets that Romania was set back by Bulgaria’s slow steps, a country that should follow it’s example.
At 11:00, at the “SO.SI.SE.SA.” headquarters, Mr. Maurice Boscavert had a final discussion upon the terms of the future collaboration on social and cultural projects of the foundation. On this matter, Mr. Maurice Boscavert and Mr. Ghiocel Bontas, the president of the Cultural Humanitarian Foundation of “SO.SI.SE.SA.”, signed the collaboration protocol between the foundation and the Taverny local administration. Mr. Maurice Boscavert received a photo album of Romania and handed medals of honor to the following representatives of the foundation:
  1.                 Ghiocel Bontaş – President of SO.SI.SE.SA. ;
  2.         Ilinca Pîrvulescu – Vicepresident of SO.SI.SE.SA. ;
  3.         Prince Michael de Laufenburg – Honorary President of SO.SI.SE.SA. ;
  4.                 Călin Alin Apati – Honorary President of SO.SI.SE.SA.

Further on during the day, together with a “SO.SI.SE.SA.” delegation, Mr. Maurice Boscavert visited The Village of Children at Valea Plopului, a village governed by Reverend Nicolae Tanase where over 330 abandoned children live in a series of houses under the reverend’s care and protection. Mr. Maurice Boscavert was deeply moved by this visit and of the fact that, throughout all its years of existence, the village has been a home for over 1500 children. He promised he will donate a bus and medicine to the center.

Press office


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