Invitatul special al Domnului Primar, Dan Marian Vanghelie a fost domnul Hannes Swoboda, Vicepresedintele Socialistilor Europeni din cadru Parlamentului European. Domnia sa impreuna cu alti doi colegi au scris o carte intitulata "Roma: A European Minority. The Challenge of Diversity"
Nu stiu dar daca exista deja pe piata, dar vi-o recomand cu toata increderea, va da solutii, idei, si recomndari cu privire la aceasta situatie.
Today I was invited by the President of the Organization TSD District 5, Bucharest to an important event. I was pleasantly surprised to see that an organization such as PSD Bucharest, to fight against discrimination that relate to Roma. A special guest was in our country. He visited a school and a nursery and left with a smile in the sense that things can be done and for Roma.
Dan Marian Vanghelie Lord Mayor's special guest was Mr. Hannes Swoboda, Vicepresident of the framework Socilist of European Parliament. He along with two other colleagues have written a book intitulatan "Rome: A European Minority. The Challenge of Diversity". I do not know but if there are already on the market i recommend with confidence, the book will provide solutions, ideas, and recommendations on this situation.
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