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Postez azi un coment al unui Pompier de la ISU Dambovita. Fac acest lucru datorita faptului ca am vrut sa va arat ca lucrurile postate in Basescu si Justia lui au fost adevarate. Va dau textul integral al acestui text.
Domnul Parvu Florin spunea:
"Stimate Domnule Marian Achim,
Am citit cu interes articolul dumneavoastra, asta cu atat mai mult cu cat sunt pompier la ISU Dambovita, si toate cele despre care vorbiti imi sunt extrem de familiare.
Din capul locului vreau sa va declar ca ceea ce veti citi in continuare nu este obligatoriu adevarul, ci este adevarul meu.
Din punctul meu de vedere, tot, dar absolut tot ceea ce ati scris, cu o singura exceptie, este purul adevar.
Si greseala pe care o faceti dumneavoastra este faptul ca il vedeti pe colonelul in rezerva Diaconita "le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche"! Nu, nu este! Colonelul in rezerva Diaconita una dintre cele mai corupte si interesate persoane pe care le-am cunoscut vreodata, colonelul in rezerva Diaconita nu a facut niciodata nimic daca nu a avut un beneficiu personal! Nu o sa reiau argumentele mele pentru a sustine afirmatia asta, daca sunteti interesat si aveti rabdare le puteti gasi pe site-ul pe care l-am tasat la semnatura, si mai sunt si multe altele pe care nu am chef acum sa vi le povestesc, dar credeti-ma pe cuvant de onoare ca nu va mint. Daca sunteti in continuare interesat de povestea asta, cred ca putem aranja o intalnire on-line in care sa va povestesc mai multe.
In rest, aveti totala dreptate, in dosarele mari DNA-ul actioneaza numai la comanda politica, procurorul Doana a condus de mantuiala si cu abuzuri mari ancheta, Bobe de la SIPI si sefii lui l-au vrut cu tot dinadinsul pe Diaconita in catuse si pentru asta nu au ezitat sa foloseasca intregul arsenal de actiuni de intimidare combinate cu promisiuni, ducand uneori toate acestea pana la limita legalitatii...
In privinta faptului ca Diaconita s-a internat intr-un spital de boli psihiatrice si a avut tentative de suicid, dati-mi voie sa fiu sceptic. De fapt, acum circula in unitate zvonul ca ar fi bolnav de leucemie, dar chiar azi l-am vazut pe strada si mie personal mi s-a parut ca plesneste de sanatate... va las sa deduceti ce se ascunde in spatele povestilor astora...
In privinta faptului ca cei care au fost mai vehemenţi în a divulga abuzurile în faţa instanţei sunt supuşi la fel de fel de presiuni pe timpul efectuării serviciului, nu cred ca este adevarat caci daca s-ar fi intamplat asa ceva as fi aflat...
In incheiere, domnule Achim, o sa-mi permit sa va dau un sfat, si o sa fac asta chiar daca probabil nu simtiti nevoia sa-l primiti.
Daca sunteti roman si traiti in Germania, cel mai bun lucru pe care il puteti face este sa spuneti cat mai rar posibil ca sunteti roman, sa va incurajati copiii, daca aveti, sa vorbeasca cat mai putin limba romana, sa incercati sa va transformati cat mai deplin si cat mai repede in neamt get-beget.
Romania, stimate domnule Achim, e o cauza pierduta, Romania nu e nimic altceva decat un hoit pe care colcaie viermi ca Diaconita, Doana si Bobe, si in curand, din hoitul asta nu va mai ramane nimic altceva decat niste oase albite de soare...
Are onoarea sa va salute un cetatean roman cu sange kaki, care crede ca apogeul prostiei si prostirii lui a fost atins cand, in fata Drapelului de lupta al unitatii, rostind cuvintele "Jur credinta vesnica Patriei mele, Romania! Jur sa-mi apar tara chiar cu pretul vietii!" i s-au umezit ochii..."
Today I post a comment of a firefighter Dambovita ISU. I do this because I wanted to show that things posted on Basescu and his Justice, were true. We give the full text of this text.
Mr Parvu Florin said:
Dear Marian Achim,
I read with interest your article, that even more as a firefighter at ISU Dambovita, and all I talk about are very familiar. From the outset I wish to declare that what i read below is not necessarily true, but my truth. From my point of view, everything, absolutely everything you wrote, with one exception, is the pure truth. And your mistake is that we do see the colonel in the reserves Diaconita 'Chevalier sans peur et sans them reproche'! No, no! Diaconita a retired colonel of the most corrupt and interested people I have ever known, a retired colonel Diaconita has never been nothing if not a personal benefit! I will not repeat my arguments to support this statement, if you are interested and have patience you can find the site I Tamping the signature, and there are many others that I want to tell you now but trust me on word of honor that will not lie. If you are still interested in this story, I think we can arrange an appointment on-line to tell you more. Otherwise, you have full right, the DNA in large files works only political order, the prosecutor Doana, led a bungled investigation and major abuses, Bobe from the SIPI and his bosses wanted him diligently in handcuffs Diaconita for it did not hesitate to use the entire arsenal of intimidation combined with promises, sometimes leading to the limit of legality, however ...
Regarding the fact that Diaconita was interned in a psychiatric hospital and had attempted suicide, allow me to be skeptical. Actually, now that the rumor circulating in the unit was suffering from leukemia, but today I saw on the street and I personally thought that snapped me health ... will let you deduct the stories behind their story...
Regarding the fact that those who were most vehement in disclosing abuses in the courts are subjected to all sorts of pressure during the performance of the service, I do not think that is true because if it happened and I learned something ...
In closing, Mr. Achim, one to allow me to give you advice, even if you don't need my advice.
If you are Romanian and live in Germany, the best thing you can do is to say as little as possible that you are Romanian, it will encourage children, if you have, talk as little Romanian, try to transform how more fully and quickly as true-born German.
Romania, Mr. Achim, it's a lost cause, Romania is not nothing but a corpse that lurks worms as Diaconita, Doana and Bobe, and soon, the carcass that will not be left nothing but bones bleached by the sun .. .
I have the honor to salute a Romanian citizen bloody khaki, who thinks the height of stupidity and stupidity was reached when, in front of the unit Flag fight, saying the words "swear eternal faith of my homeland, Romania! I swear to defend my country even at the cost of life! " and eyes were wet ... ”
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